Subtron’s corporate social responsibility policy is based on the 3 Ps, which are People, Planet and Profit. We believe that through our human-based management to protect the environment, we will ensure our sustainable growth and become a role model. We promise:


To enforce corporate governance, improve information transparency, protect and respect the interests of shareholders and stakeholders.


To manage the company with high ethical standards, require all employees to abide by laws and maintain their integrity, respect human rights, protect intellectual property and prevent fraudulent conveyance jeopardizing the rights of the company, customers and suppliers.


To comply with local labor laws, customer requirements ,the RBA (Responsible Business Alliance) and other international standards; ensure equal employment opportunities, human treatment, employee communication, and working conditions…etc.


To establish a reliable supplier management system in order to regularly communicate with suppliers to ensure a stable, win-win partnership to procure environmental friendly products and prevent the use of conflict minerals.


To participate in social welfare and emergency relief activities based on the philosophy “Give and take”. Taking from the community and giving back so as to spread love and fulfill our responsibilities as a corporate citizen.


To follow Quality and HSF Policy to continuously enhance our technology standards to meet customers and market demands. And to be actively involved in environmental initiatives and to lower production costs to solidify our core competency.


To follow Occupational Safety and Health, Environment and energy Policy, to enforce implementation of environment and Hazardous Substance Management systems, comply with environmental protection and industrial safety regulations, respond to the green movement “Reduce, Rescue, Recycle” and converse energy, reduce waste and build a safe and comfortable working environment.