Embedded Resistor Technology


Thin film resistor technology

- Reduce the cross talk& EMI effect
- Excellent long-term reliability
- Reduce the board height & unit size

Good process control

- Resistance value per square


Resistor Film: OhmegaPly RCM 50 Ohm/□ for example
Symbol Material Resistivity Unit 50 Ohm/
- Material Tolerance % ± 5
A Resistor Length @ 100 Ohm um 300
B Min Resistor Width @ 100 Ohm um 150
C Min Space between trace & Resistor um 125(Normal) 80(Advanced)
D Min Tail Length um 65(Nominal) 40Advanced)
LW/LS Line width/Space(subtractive process) um 40/40 35/35
- Overall Resistance Tolerance % ± 20
Resistor value
= 50 Ω/□ x (300 um/150 um)
= 50 Ω/□ x 2 squares = 100 ohms